Friday, April 13, 2012


Shortly after we moved to Saudi, Jordan grew out of her crib and we purchased an adjustable bed for her from IKEA.  Now, on a normal shopping day, in a normal shopping way, in a normal shopping country, we could have purchased the mattress to go with the bed.  However, shopping here is anything but normal  First, you have to shop between prayer times, then you have to hope that what you want is actually in stock and not on back order for months, and, that despite some language barriers, they know what you are actually asking for.  This particular day of shopping had its drawbacks. We found the bed we wanted, and it was in stock, (yippee); we were rushing because it was almost prayer time and the store would close for 30-40 minutes, during which time, we could, (A)Stay in the store, but not check out (B)Leave the store without our purchase, (some stores make you leave, others lock you in and you can't leave), (C)Rush to the checkout counter at the 10 minute warning to make our purchase and get out of there.  (Yes, most of  the fun is taken out of shopping with these constraints.) 

We chose "C" which meant that we had to go and find the bed we wanted in the self-help isle and make our purchase.  Before we left for self-help (which most westerners need at some point to deal with their frustrations over shopping here), we asked about the mattress that went with the bed.  To add to our stress of leaving, we were told that no mattresses were in stock, nor would be for 6 months.  And what good is a bed without a mattress?!?  However, we were on our way now, so we purchased the bed and left the store.  Luckily we found that the mattress we were issued for her crib (a rental from the company) fit the width of the bed and the length of the mattress still fit her legs.  That story brings us up to date.  Her legs no longer fit the bed and the the "high quality" crib mattress has a divet for her dainty derriere from which she was complaining from back pain, not a common complaint for a five year old. So we decided to try IKEA again to determine if the mattress was in stock--our fear being that after 2 1/2 years, they had come back in to stock, gone out of stock, and now were possibly obsolete. 

And so Jon took a drive.  Often our shopping is done by the two of us--me home with the kids as I cannot drive off camp, on the phone with Jon describing to him what we need.  After several calls with me on one end taking measurements from her bed and him on the other end comparing those measurements (after converting them from inches to centimeters) to the mattresses IKEA had in stock,  he determined the best fit (often decisions are made not on the "right" choice, but on the "best" choice with what is available).  Jon came home with the mattress and switched out the old mattress which he leaned against a wall until it could be returned to "furniture warehouse"  where we can rent furniture from the company. 

Seeing the mattress out of place in the hallway, reminded Joseph of a favorite past time activity.  One he enjoyed so much that he wrote a story about it in 1st grade,  which is included below.  He decided to relive the memory and proceeded to begin removing the bedding from his and Josh's beds so as to get to the mattresses.  He paused only a moment when I reminded them that all beds would need to be remade, ultimately, deciding the work was worth the fun (Jordan's begging helped also); he tore the beds apart and removed the mattresses.  Included below are pictures of the "correct mattress sliding clothing" and live-action, narrated video from the night's activities. 

I even took a slide myself and quite enjoyed it; I would have liked it to last a bit longer.  As would have the kids liked their fun to continue.  But, of course, it had to end sometime.  I helped Joseph and Jordan return the mattresses to the correct rooms and remake the beds.  However, in doing this, I made an alarming discovery.  Josh now needed a new mattress.  I realized he has had the mattress for several years; included in those years are a move across the ocean and being used in the sport of mattress sliding.  It has proved its usefulness.  And so the process begins again.  This time, though, we need an American standard mattress to fit his twin size bed.  Where to get one is the question!  But for the meantime, we have found a good use for the mattress without a bed.   

                                                            Mattress Sliding
One awesome afternoon me and my brother went to my room and sat on my bed. We were bored... absolutely bored! Then my brother had an idea. We had two mattress on my bed. We put both of them on the stairs. Then we were sliding on them.Then my sister came. The mattresses covered the stairs so we had to grab the railing to get up.  We were flying down the stairs! Then my brother Josh yelled "Toss me some pillows!" I threw him two and he also got some more. He put them at the bottom of the stairs. My dad started videoing us. We did some more rides then we got socks on. I put on white socks then I thought , "nope, not them." Then I saw some socks that were blue and really, really slippery. Then I
I was thirsty so I got a bit of tang. I just saw a jacket. I put it on and went to the top of the slide and went down. It was awesome! Then I acted like I was skate boarding or snow boarding down the the mattresses then I went on my belly. Then I ran and jumped and went flying into the air! When I hit the bottom, "thump!" Then my sister came. My sister did a somersault down the stairs! But right before that my dad turned off the camera. We went down again and again and when my brother goes down I go right after him because when he grabs onto the top of the mattresses I grab onto his feet and climb on him like  he's a rope. And then my mom made us clean it up, but tomorrow I will do it again. But first I have to do my jobs! Maybe or maybe not? It's a secret ha ha ha!
                                                                           The End   
The proper clothing for mattress sliding should be cotton socks, a polyester shirt and flannel pants.

Below are videos Joseph took while he was sliding and of Jordan sliding. 

Keep on Slidin'!

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